* County Online Data ECN
* LA Bldg Data Import / LA Buildings 2008
table: la_bldgs_raw
; count: 3,120,189
* OSM data — focus on Hollywood Hills (-118.366 34.105 )
* Postgres / PostGIS
database geo_datamine_f2
* US Census TIGER — 2013,2014,2015,2016
* Geoserver
* Git
* Web Directory -ECN-
geo_datamine_f2=# \d la_bldgs_raw Table "public.la_bldgs_raw" Column | Type | Modifiers ------------+-----------------------------+-------------------------------------- gid | integer | not null default nextval('la_bldgs_raw_gid_seq'::regclass) objectid_1 | numeric(10,0) | objectid | numeric(10,0) | code | character varying(80) | bld_id | character varying(80) | height | numeric | elev | numeric | area | numeric(10,0) | lariac_sou | character varying(80) | lariac_dat | character varying(80) | ain | character varying(80) | status | character varying(80) | code_num | numeric(10,0) | source | character varying(25) | date_ | character varying(4) | shape_leng | numeric | shape_le_1 | numeric | shape_area | numeric | generaluse | character varying(254) | specificus | character varying(254) | yearbuilt | character varying(254) | specific_1 | character varying(254) | units | character varying(254) | geom | geometry(MultiPolygon,4326) | Indexes: "la_bldgs_raw_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gid) "la_bldgs_raw_geom_idx" gist (geom) #-- Categorize and Count Bldgs in the set, by attribute count | generaluse ---------+---------------- 2791249 | Residential 128551 | 106015 | Commercial 63621 | Industrial 20707 | Institutional 4647 | Recreational 2287 | Dry Farm 1960 | Miscellaneous 1084 | Irrigated Farm 68 | (missing) (10 rows) geo_datamine_f2=# select count(*),generaluse from la_bldgs_raw group by generaluse order by count(*) desc; #-- What Counties are included in this dataset ? row ------------------------- (395,Ventura) (398,"Los Angeles") (1111,"San Bernardino") (2553,Orange) (4 rows) geo_datamine_f2=# select distinct(c.gid, from tl_2016_us_county c JOIN la_bldgs_pt p ON (st_intersects( c.geom, p.geom)); #-- How Many bldgs in each County ? name | count ----------------+--------- San Bernardino | 39 Orange | 43 Ventura | 1 Los Angeles | 3120105 (4 rows) geo_datamine_f2=# select, count(*) from tl_2016_us_county c, la_bldgs_pt p where st_intersects( c.geom, p.geom) group by; #-- How Many 5-or-more Apt Bldgs ? count | 143121 geo_datamine_f2=# select count(*) from la_bldgs_raw where specificus = 'Five or More Units or Apartments (Any Combination)'; #-- Ingesting the Data curl -L "" ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:dbname=geo_datamine_f2 -nln la_bldgs_raw -nlt MULTIPOLYGON -geomfield geom \ -t_srs EPSG:4326 merged-buildings-state-plane.shp merged-buildings-state-plane -- create table la_bldgs_pt as select ogc_fid as gid, objectid_1,objectid, code,bld_id,height,elev,area, lariac_sou,lariac_dat,ain,status, code_num,source,date_, generaluse,specificus,yearbuilt,specific_1,units, st_centroid(wkb_geometry) as geom from la_bldgs_raw; -- alter table la_bldgs_pt add constraint la_bldgs_pt_uniq UNIQUE(gid); alter table la_bldgs_pt add PRIMARY KEY (gid); create index la_bldgs_pt_geom_idx on la_bldgs_pt using GIST (geom); -- -- NOTE custom srs used for LA Master -- -- -s_srs '+proj=lcc +lat_1=35.46666666666667 +lat_2=34.03333333333333 +lat_0=33.5 +lon_0=-118 +x_0=2000000.000101601 +y_0=500000.0001016002 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=-0.9956,1.9013,0.5215,0.025915,0.009426,0.011599,-0.00062 +units=us-ft +no_defs'
HOLLYWOOD_CA.osm Polygons => 11,368 osm2pgsql 0.88 count | building -------+-------------- 5057 | house 2704 | apartments 1413 | residential 531 | yes 435 | commercial 425 | retail 122 | industrial 67 | hotel 38 | warehouse 29 | school 12 | garages 4 | church 3 | roof 3 | hospital 1 | office 1 | construction 1 | college 1 | greenhouse (18 rows) test23=# select count(*),building from planet_osm_polygon WHERE building is not null GROUP BY building ORDER BY count(*) desc;