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Distance to Nearest OSM Road

osm_ca_20=# SELECT   osm_id,   geometry < -> st_geomfromEWKT( ‘SRID=900913;POINT(-13145550 4045137)’ ) as the_distance FROM   osm_new_mainroads ORDER BY   geometry < -> st_geomfromEWKT( ‘SRID=900913;POINT(-13145550 4045137)’ ) limit 1; osm_id | the_distance ———-+—————— 59339590 | 268.205611425265 (1 row) UPDATE distance of all museums less than 30km away from a school, by school. Thanks to the geonames project for the […]

Five Colors for Stats

I am building some visualization layers in Geoserver from PostGIS, which requires .sld files (until Geoserver catches up with the CSS styling world – oh wait, look here). It is convenient to show ranges using ColorBrewer2 colors in a set of one plus five.. a color for NoValue, then what I call little0, little1, central […]

PostgreSQL 9.3 plus Hadoop File System

It seems that things just got a little bit more interesting with the release of Pg 9.3

Geoserver 2.3 WMS from PostGIS Vectors

… it turns out that this technique is important using QGis 1.8 with tiled WMS. You can set the following options on the wms connection properties: 1) Append this to the wms url “?TRANSPARENT=TRUE” or “&TRANSPARENT=TRUE” if your url already has more parameters 2) Check the option “Ignore GetMap URI reported in capabilities” This works […]

2013 Nottingham Workshops Begin

Earthscapes USPS

Data Characterization and the Live

People may already know about the OSGeo Live project. Its a great base as a VM since a) it is stable and very well tested, and b) it has much software installed, but in a way that is transparent through install scripts, so customization is as straightforward as it gets.. I was faced with a […]

AmpCamp 3 – HDFS

As described in a previous post, I used Cloudera .debs to install Hadoop/HDFS on an Ubuntu 12.04 ‘Precise’ single node. Now, to put some data into the HDFS system and use it. (note- this did not work in a 32bit VM) The Hadoop/HDFS install consisted of two steps: obtain and install .deb cdh4-repository, which enables […]

AmpCamp 3 – The Stack

The Berkeley Data Analytics Stack (BDAS) was the central subject at AmpCamp 3. Spark is the core of the stack. It has been recently adopted for incubation as an Apache Project. True to form for a fast-moving OSS project, we actually used the 0.80 git repo version, rather than the 0.73 that you will find […]

AmpCamp 3 – Intro

I cannot say enough about AmpCamp 3, a two day workshop at UC Berkeley that has just completed. The Berkeley AMP Lab (Algorithms, Machines and People) put on another great Open Source community building event, with state-of-the-art tech, precision execution, and the sort of fun that comes from a job well done. Many interesting people, […]