name, state_name, fips,
FROM usa_counties
WHERE not st_isvalid(the_geom);
NOTICE: Ring Self-intersection at or near point -70.82466 42.26050
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+-------------------------------------------------
name | Plymouth
state_name | Massachusetts
fips | 25023
st_summary | MultiPolygon[B] with 1 elements
| Polygon[] with 1 rings
| ring 0 has 31 points
st_isvalidreason | Ring Self-intersection[-70.8246609058028 42.2605069326982]
Time: 268.654 ms
UPDATE usa_counties
set the_geom = ST_MakeValid(the_geom) where name='Plymouth' and fips = '25023';
SELECT name, state_name, fips, st_summary(the_geom), st_isvalidreason(the_geom) FROM usa_counties where not st_isvalid(the_geom); name | state_name | fips | st_summary | st_isvalidreason ------+------------+------+------------+------------------ (0 rows)
select postgis_version(); postgis_version --------------------------------------- 2.0 USE_GEOS=1 USE_PROJ=1 USE_STATS=1 (1 row)
examples of invalid multipolygon