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Debian 7 Repos Added

debian-openlogo-100A small email went by today, bringing big news…

From: Jerome Villeneuve Larouche \
To: "" \
Subject: [Ubuntu] DebianGIS Repo

Hello everyone,

This is a small message to tell you that the DebianGIS repo for Debian Wheezy is up and that every package on it is up-to-date! Everything is built against stable so you don't need to add any unstable
repo to use the latest GIS packages. To add it on your machine, edit "/etc/apt/sources.list" and add the line

deb wheezy main

You should also add the public key here

Enjoy, as always if you have any questions about the repo, be it this
one or UbuntuGIS, send message on the mailing list!

PS: I'm also currently updating UbuntuGIS to Saucy!